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Writer's pictureTiffany Ard

Homeopathic labels for water bottles #1

Homeopathy works on the idea that

  1. "like cures like" and

  2. that diluting a substance creates stronger effects.

So if you were suffering from a cold with itchy, watery eyes you could extract a drop of liquid from an onion, which would normally cause eyes to itch and water. You then dilute it in a large amount of pure water and shake or strike the container. Next, you'd take a drop of that solution and dilute it again. Now take a drop of THAT solution and dilute it. Repeat this until there are literally ZERO onion molecules left in the water. Each dilution is called a succession, and more successions are thought to leave a stronger imprint on the water's memory of the onion. This is therefore called higher concentration, and drinking this highly diluted/concentrated form should alleviate your itchy eyes.

Science has no explanation for any of this but I mean, you can't OD on it, right?

But wait! Aren't homeopathic remedies super expensive?

NOT ANYMORE. All of our drinking water has journeyed through the Earth's water cycle many times, coming into contact with nearly every element or substance along the way. Everything from onion extract to dinosaur pee, minerals, fish, and every kind of botanical seed or pollen on the planet has surely had many successions. Every wave hitting the shore, every drop of rain hitting the ground provides the crucial "strike" before the water is filtered and placed into bottles. So drink up! Every sip of water contains every remedy, in statistically equal strength and effectiveness.

Anyway. I'm working on a series of labels that you can print and apply to water bottles. This first one is ultra concentrated horse doodoo. It's a remedy for toxins, works as an antibacterial, and since it is a fertilizer, perhaps it could be an effective birth control. I'm not a doctor. Anything is possible.

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